
Generate Articles With One Click

Comprehensive articles that are current event aware, captivating and comprehensive.

Introducing the ultimate content creation tool that is set to revolutionize the way you write articles! With the help of SERP analysis and AI, this tool can generate 600-800 word articles that are not only current event aware but also captivating and informative. 🥂

Select From 60+ Countries

6 Credits/Article Generation

Does The World Needs Another Article Generator?

Most tools, uses GPT3 to generate articles. But GPT3 is not perfect. This tool takes a unique approach, It uses a custom trained model and an unique algorithim to do SERP analysis. Which produces more comprehensive articles.

Current Event Aware

This tool is current event aware. It can generate articles that are current event aware, perfect for creating News Articles.

Custom Trained Model

This tool is trained to injest a blogs from a variety of sources and generate a comprehensive article.

Unique Algorithm

A lot goes on behind the scenes to analyze the SERP and generate article. This tool leverages already performing SERP for competitive advantage.

Easy & Efficient

This tool just takes a keyphrase and a target location and handles the rest. You can have a full article under 2 minutes.

Supports 60+ Countries

You can curate articles for a target location. This tool brings 60+ countries at your fingertips.

Easy To Edit

The generated article can be easily edited in the editor. So you can add your own flair to the output.

Still Not Convinced? Check out my crash course on GPT3 to learn more about GPT3 and how it works.